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Association API
The Association API makes it easy to navigate association objects from the EntityStore obtained by executing a query specifying include or includeAll.
Annotating an entity class (or entity definition class) with a dedicated annotation generates a utility function for navigating association objects.
Sets returned by the Association API preserve the order of elements.Note
The Association API is an experimental feature. To use it, add the following code to your Gradle build script:
tasks {
withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile>().configureEach {
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += listOf("-opt-in=org.komapper.annotation.KomapperExperimentalAssociation")
Indicates a one-to-one relationship between the annotated entity class and the target entity class.
@KomapperOneToOne(targetEntity = Address::class)
data class Employee(...)
The targetEntity
property specifies the entity class (or entity definition class) associated with the annotated class.
The specification is required.
The navigator
property specifies the name of a utility function for navigating the association.
If not specified, it is inferred from the value specified for the targetEntity
The following utility function is generated from the above definition:
fun example.Employee.`address`(
store: org.komapper.core.dsl.query.EntityStore,
source: example._Employee = org.komapper.core.dsl.Meta.`employee`,
target: example._Address = org.komapper.core.dsl.Meta.`address`,
): example.Address? {
return store.oneToOne(source, target)[this]
Indicates a many-to-one relationship between the annotated entity class and the target entity class.
@KomapperManyToOne(targetEntity = Department::class)
data class Employee(...)
The targetEntity
property specifies the entity class (or entity definition class) associated with the annotated class.
The specification is required.
The navigator
property specifies the name of a utility function for navigating the association.
If not specified, it is inferred from the value specified for the targetEntity
The following utility function is generated from the above definition:
fun example.Employee.`department`(
store: org.komapper.core.dsl.query.EntityStore,
source: example._Employee = org.komapper.core.dsl.Meta.`employee`,
target: example._Department = org.komapper.core.dsl.Meta.`department`,
): example.Department? {
return store.manyToOne(source, target)[this]
Indicates a one-to-many relationship between the annotated entity class and the target entity class.
@KomapperOneToMany(targetEntity = Employee::class, navigator = "employees")
data class Department(...)
The targetEntity
property specifies the entity class (or entity definition class) associated with the annotated class.
The specification is required.
The navigator
property specifies the name of a utility function for navigating the association.
If not specified, it is inferred from the value specified for the targetEntity
The following utility function is generated from the above definition:
fun example.Department.`employees`(
store: org.komapper.core.dsl.query.EntityStore,
source: example._Department = org.komapper.core.dsl.Meta.`department`,
target: example._Employee = org.komapper.core.dsl.Meta.`employee`,
): Set<example.Employee> {
return store.oneToMany(source, target)[this] ?: emptySet()
Indicates the associated source entity metamodel and the associated target entity metamodel.
It can be specified in the link
property of the following annotations:
Indicates that the annotated entity class (or entity definition class) is the aggregate root.
@KomapperAggregateRoot(navigator = "departments")
data class Department(...)
The navigator
property specifies the name of a utility function to retrieve the aggregate root.
If not specified, it is inferred from the annotated class.
The above definition generates the following utility function:
fun org.komapper.core.dsl.query.EntityStore.`departments`(
target: example._Department = org.komapper.core.dsl.Meta.`department`,
): Set<example.Department> {
return this[target]
Entity class definitions
Suppose we have the following entity class definitions:
@KomapperOneToOne(targetEntity = Employee::class)
data class Address(
val addressId: Int,
val street: String,
@KomapperOneToMany(targetEntity = Employee::class, navigator = "employees")
data class Department(
val departmentId: Int,
val departmentName: String,
@KomapperManyToOne(targetEntity = Department::class)
@KomapperOneToOne(targetEntity = Address::class)
data class Employee(
val employeeId: Int,
val employeeName: String,
val departmentId: Int,
val addressId: Int,
Navigation code
We can concisely retrieve the association objects from the EntityStore
by using the generated utility functions:
val a = Meta.address
val e = Meta.employee
val d = Meta.department
val query = QueryDsl.from(a)
.innerJoin(e) {
a.addressId eq e.addressId
}.innerJoin(d) {
e.departmentId eq d.departmentId
val store: EntityStore = db.runQuery(query)
for (department in store.departments()) {
val employees = department.employees(store)
for (employee in employees) {
val address = employee.address(store)
println("department=${department.departmentName}, employee=${employee.employeeName}, address=${address?.street}")
Navigation code using context receiver
Enabling the komapper.enableEntityStoreContext
option allows more concise navigation of association objects
by eliminating the need to pass EntityStore
arguments explicitly.
val a = Meta.address
val e = Meta.employee
val d = Meta.department
val query = QueryDsl.from(a)
.innerJoin(e) {
a.addressId eq e.addressId
}.innerJoin(d) {
e.departmentId eq d.departmentId
val store: EntityStore = db.runQuery(query)
with(store.asContext()) {
for (department in departments()) {
val employees = department.employees()
for (employee in employees) {
val address = employee.address()
println("department=${department.departmentName}, employee=${employee.employeeName}, address=${address?.street}")